Monday, January 02, 2012

Ceremony Decor Inspiration

when roy and i first started planning our wedding, i took us really not time to figure out what our colors would be, but if you ask if we have a theme for our wedding ... um ... guess we really dont have a theme's theme other then the color scheme. other people who have a theme like "carnival", "whimsical", "romantic", "the 5o's" etc, it's easy to think of decorations because they can just decorate accordingly to their themes. but we only have a color scheme and not a theme that makes it really hard for me to decide what to do with decoration. then one day i decided (yeah, i just kinda decided on my own) that i like the idea of hanging garlands and using flags. it's easy enough for me to make and easy to transport. after that decision was made i had a clear mind of how i would like to decorate our wedding ceremony and found someone - Melissa + Chris (from green wedding shoes) - who had just the same thinking as i did! (well they still had a theme though but i guess their theme was hard to visualized at the ceremony coz they picked The Beatles to be their theme, so you can't quite tell what's their theme was just by looking at the picture). still have to talk to the venue and see if they would allow me to do somthing like Melissa and Chris, fingers crossed!

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